The game itself is
divided up into different tasks. Sometimes you will have to talk to other crash survivors, either to find out new bits of information or trade supplies to progress the story. Other times you may have to run through the jungle, attempting to avoid "the monster", trying to navigate your way through pitch black caves with just a burning torch or trying to solve various circuit puzzles.
The graphics are very impressive, especially when you are going through thick jungle. Character models look pretty good when compared with their real life counterparts aswell. Voice acting however is another matter, only a few of the actual actors are in the game. The rest are pretty bad impersonations of the shows characters.
Now then, onto the bad bits. I found the controls and camera pretty clunky, the gameplay was very
repetitive with you just running from place to place and solving way too many circuit puzzles. Also, even though the story is probably the best part, it is way too short. I completed this game within 4 hours and that included collecting over 900 gamerpoints without really trying.
In summary I could only really recommend this game to a fan of Lost interested in seeing the extra story or someone wanting a quick gaming jaunt and some easy gamerpoints to bolster their score.