Retro Column |
Wednesday, 23 July 2008 |
 Right, here it is. The Retro Column we have been going on about. Well an introduction to it anyway.
The column will basically be split into two parts. In the first week we will be doing a general retro feature. This will be about whatever has taken our fancy that week. The second week will be a featured retro title. We will talk about the history of the game, how it was received in its day and how it holds up by today's standards. At the end of this we will announce the next title to be featured to allow ourselves and readers two weeks to play the game. We hope this will also spill over to the forum so you as readers can talk about the game as well. Read More!
Right, we will now list our top 5 games ever. Hopefully this will give you a bit of an insight into our gaming tastes. This will also introduce you to the font colours we plan to use when we work together, hopefully this will help you readers tell us apart.
In no particular order:
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (MD): I think this was the first game I ever got for my MegaDrive and damn did I play it a lot.
Final Fantasy VII (PS1): I was a latecomer to RPGs, if I remember right this was the first one I ever played (yes I know I'm a late rpg bloomer!). Anyway I loved everything about it, it really drew me in.
Animal Crossing (GC): I managed to import a copy of this from Australia when my interest in gaming was starting to dissipate. Lets just say it really brought my love of gaming back. Good old Tom Nook!
Super Mario Bros (NES): What can I really say about this game that you don't already know? Genius!
Shenmue (DC): I think it was the world of Shenmue that drew me to this game. Because you spent so much time with the people and town you really felt like you got to know them. I was genuinely sad to leave.
Skies Of Arcadia (DC): Something about flying pirate ships just floats my boat. That combined with the immersive game world, grand soundtrack and cinematic camera angles make this game my all time favourite RPG.
Sonic Adventure (DC): Fast action, RPG elements, intertwining storylines and decent controls. For me, this is as good as Sonic games get. Shame it all went downhill after this...
Sega Rally (SAT): For me, this is the best example of simple, arcade racing. Easy to pick up, difficult to master. Most of my younger years were spent handing out beat downs on this game. Still plays well by todays standards.
Metropolis Street Racer (DC): Another brilliant racer. MSR introduced the world to the idea of stylish racing. As far as handling goes, few racers can get the balance between arcade fun and realism as right as this.
Panzer Dragoon Saga (SAT): A unique combat system combined with an epic story line and a ruddy great big dragon make this another favourite RPG of mine. Shame about the current prices.
And finally we will announce the first retro title, this will be featured in 2 weeks time:
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posted by Happenstance @ 21:10  |
Hmm...goaferboy, not a Sega fan boy per chance are we?
I hadn't actually noticed that they were all Sega games. Jeepers!
I'll admit I used to be, broadened my horizons since then though!
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Hmm...goaferboy, not a Sega fan boy per chance are we?